NAHTLOS geschmiedet
INDIVIDELL auf Sie zugeschnitten

Here we refuel briefly:

From 02.01.2023 to 07.01.2023 our workshop and store will be closed.

Here you can find us 2023 on wedding fairs:

08.01.2023: Wedding fair Fellbach, in the old Kelter hall - store closed

14.01. to 15.01.2023: TrauDich wedding fair, Stuttgart Schleyer hall - store closed
21.01. to 22.01.2023: Wedding Spectacle Heilbronn. In the Harmonie - store closed
11.03. to 12.03.2023: Mr. an Mrs. in Sindelfingen - store closed
29.04. to 30.04.2023: Yes! Die Hochzeitsmesse at the Residenzschloss, Ludwigsburg - store closed

Here we refuel briefly: From 02.01.2023 to 07.01.2023 our workshop and store will be closed. Here you can find us 2023 on wedding fairs: 08.01.2023: Wedding fair Fellbach, in the old Kelter... read more »
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Here we refuel briefly:

From 02.01.2023 to 07.01.2023 our workshop and store will be closed.

Here you can find us 2023 on wedding fairs:

08.01.2023: Wedding fair Fellbach, in the old Kelter hall - store closed

14.01. to 15.01.2023: TrauDich wedding fair, Stuttgart Schleyer hall - store closed
21.01. to 22.01.2023: Wedding Spectacle Heilbronn. In the Harmonie - store closed
11.03. to 12.03.2023: Mr. an Mrs. in Sindelfingen - store closed
29.04. to 30.04.2023: Yes! Die Hochzeitsmesse at the Residenzschloss, Ludwigsburg - store closed

We will exhibit our Mokume Gane wedding rings at the wedding fair Mr. & Mrs. in Sindelfingen...
View Wiesner Mokume Gane wedding rings at the wedding fair in the Residence Palace...
Am 08. Oktober 2023 finden Sie die Wiesner Mokume Gane Trauringe auf der Hochzeitsmesse in Riedern am Sand...
NAHTLOS geschmiedet
INDIVIDELL auf Sie zugeschnitten